Looking for a few people who want to become involved!

♦ Enjoy Ham Radio?

♦ Having fun with the local repeater systems?

♦ Have a desire to give something back to the hobby?

Consider joining the TASMA Technical Committee!!

Short of technical knowledge, but wanting to learn? Join a group of people on the technical committee who are willing to share a lot of knowledge and experience. An understanding of how a repeater works and some technical background is a plus, but not necessary.

The Tasma Technical Committee conducts three open meetings a year (usually via Microsoft Teams) and has video calls in between meetings. Some “homework” is involved including coverage plots, interference studies, etc.

If you have the desire and the willingness to donate a bit of time, consider joining us and helping out the rest of the Amateur community on Two Meters.


How to volunteer on the Technical Committee member?
1. Download an application
2. E-mail the application to the Technical Committee chairman.